Monday 14 March 2011

Creating a bird feeding station in Langdale

Last week was spent installing new bird feeders and a viewing station at Stickle Ghyll car park.
A small section of land next to the footpath leading up Stickle Ghyll was selected as a perfect site.  A few small trees had to be felled first to clear a way so that the feeders could be viewed clearly. Once this was done the old fence had to be taken down.

Removing the Old Fence

The fence was to be replaced with a 6ft hand made hazel fence. This type of fence was selected because it was more natural to the environment, and looked much better than installing a solid garden panelled fence.

First a number of 8ft post hand to be knocked into the ground to help support the hazel fence.

Driving in the posts

Once this was done rails could be nailed to the posts. These where used to help strengthen the fence and it also provided something that the hazel panels could be tied onto.

The new screen

Work is still underway but the new and exciting viewing area should be completed soon. So get your self down to Stickle car park in Langdale to view some exciting birds close up.

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